Thursday, January 7, 2010

Culinary World Domination Business Plan - Step One

Obligatory introduction, ahoy. My name is Jessica and after meandering through my post-secondary years with no clear idea of what I wanted to do with my life, I decided to attend the Seattle Culinary Academy @ Seattle Central Community College -oldest culinary school west of the Mississippi, I just recently discovered, and the only culinary school actively including Sustainability in it's curriculum- on the reccomendation of my girlfriend Kris. She's an alum of the college's Film and Video Production program and it was her positive experience that convinced me to dip a toe into the community college world. I've just begun my fourth quarter of five, which is focused on fine dining and I feel like I'm finally starting to hit my stride in the world of professional cooking.

So, I'll admit that I registered this blog because all my friends are doing it and my friends are cool people, so they must be on to something. But I'm also doing this because I realize that maybe not everyone enjoys hearing my long-winded enthusing about topics like molecular gastronomy and my burning dilemma over whether to theme my final Culinary School menu on lavender or apples. If you are, in fact, interested though, I'd love to hear your thoughts, feelings, ideas and interpretations on what I write about.

About that - what I plan to write about here will be anything from what culinary-related books I'm reading, what projects I'm working on for school, and what I'm cooking at home. Recipes, anecdotes and the occasional rant (I'd hate to start off on a false pretense that I don't get up on the apple crate once in a while) and hopefully some breathing room in my brain once I get some of the stuff I'm dying to discuss out there.

All that said... in the words of The Chairman, ALLEZ CUISINE!


  1. I'm expecting you to prompt me with a food/kitchen/cooking related video idea!!


    I am looking forward to reading more.

  3. Kris - Can and will. Let's make some funny little kitchen shorts?

    Jonell - So glad to see you here, and I'm glad you like the title. ;D It started as an exclamation I made on twitter at the realization of how ridiculously heavy the project and assignment load for this quarter is at school. Glad to have you as a reader, and I can't wait to catch up with you tomorrow!

  4. Lavender. Totally lavender. It's about 20 times more versatile than it seems at a distance, and it has an amazing ability to evoke distant sense memories.

  5. Rhett - I'm of that opinion as well. My only concern is that the date that I actually make this menu could be anywhere from the beginning of April to mid-June. Lavender only starts blossoming in June, so if I don't get a later date, I'm stuck using dried lavender. Which is fine but having it fresh is infinitely more preferable to me, especially as I'd like to bring in lavender I've grown myself.

    The other thing is that it seems to be love-hate with people over lavender in food. Even the tiniest amount can set some people crying "SOAPY!" "PERFUMY!" which would be fine if I were in the aesthetics program... lol

  6. Hey, Jess... Happy New Year! Your mom sent me this link and I really enjoyed reading the blog to date. As for the menu, I vote for lavender, especially if you are able to get fresh.
    I'll keep reading with enjoyment - keep enjoying the course!
    (Makes me want to visit Seattle...)

  7. Hey Kathy!

    I'm really glad you're enjoying reading so far! I know I'm having a fantastic time writing it. Its great to have a place to put down all of my random food-related thoughts and I know once I graduated I'll be glad to have this journal of sorts chronicling my final two quarters.

    I'm definitely leaning towards lavender now and it's possible I may have access to fresh with a little luck!

    If you do get a chance to visit Seattle, make sure to let me know! It'd be lovely to see you!
